Mobile Tracker app makes location sharing fun and easy.
Keep track of the location of your family and friends for free.
Install on as many devices as you like
24 Hour Playback FREE
Unlimited sharing
Track live and historical locations and speed of shared devices
Add traditional portable or vehicle trackers and view them directly in the app
ONE TIME premium upgrade available (No ongoing costs)
Real tracking app, no tricks, no gimmicks, no catches, no nonsense.
Secure Communication
SSL encryption to communicate with the online server to protect your privacy.
View current location and playback visited location from within the app or using the website.
Real-Time LIVE Tracking and logging. All Data is available in Real-Time, visit the trackOmeter Tracking Dashboard to view current location and playback tracking history
Free location monitoring and playback.
Someone’s asking where you are, just send them a link and they can see your location LIVE
Remove sharing at any time
Background Service so it keeps tracking while your phone is locked
The app runs in the background so it keeps tracking when your phone is locked.
View your tracks and follow others
Track iPhones and Android devices.
Track Family and Friends from anywhere in the world.
Location updates as often as every 10 seconds.
Recording of Locations
Install on as many phones as you like Follow unlimited number of people
Playback movements for up to 24 hours for FREE
The perfect iphone tracker.
More frequent updates.
Augmented reality view
Unlimited playback history
Unlimited portal features
The app uses your phone's GPS which communicates with our secure online tracking system to give you fast and accurate ability to view the current LIVE location and Playback of previous movements of your device.
Follow family and friends
Track your travel locations
Keep a record of your child’s movements
Child Tracker
Find a lost or stolen phone
Invite others and share your location
Turn your phone into a Phone Spy
Playback where you've been
trackOmeter is actively maintained and supported.
We thank you for your loyalty over the years and always look forward to your feedback.